Blog post #4
For this post, I wanted to try something new and find another blog which expressed a point of view opposite to my own. I read this blog by Ann Coulter "FAKE NEWS AUTOPSY" which is written to be more inclined towards the conservative party ideology. In this specific blog post, Coulter talks about an incident in which Ana Cabrera, a journalist for CNN, intentionally altered a quote which Trump had said regarding the men in America for being accused of something they might not be guilty of. He said " I say that it's a very scary time for young men in America, when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of. This is a very, very -- this is a very difficult time".Cabrera instead rewrote the president's quote telling CNN viewers "WHITE men have a lot to fear right now." Coulter writes about how CNN twists up the truth and what they post is fake news, mainly critiquing Cabrera's word choices in expressing opinion. In my v...